Most Common Pests College Students Deal With

For many college students, moving away from home and into a dormitory or an off-campus apartment is an exciting rite of passage. 

However, with that newfound freedom can come some unwelcome roommates: pests.

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Whether they be roaches, rodents, or bedbugs, pests can wreak havoc on a student’s quality of life and overall well-being. 

Here, we’ll explore the challenges that college students often face with pests and offer guidance on how to address them effectively.

Taking Care Of Pests

Attending college and managing household issues can be overwhelming for students. 

When pests decide to join the fray, things can go from stressful to nightmarish. However, there are effective strategies for addressing these pesky invaders.

Finding A Pest Control Company Near You

The most straightforward solution for a serious infestation is to bring in the professionals. 

Thanks to the digital age, locating a reputable pest control company has never been easier. 

A quick online search with your location and the specific pest problem will yield numerous results. To narrow down the list, consider the following:

  • Read reviews: Look for companies with high ratings and read the reviews for details about their effectiveness, professionalism, and cost.
  • Check for licensing: Ensure that the company you’re considering is licensed to operate in your state. This guarantees that they follow local regulations and industry standards.
  • Ask about guarantees: Some companies offer a guarantee for their services, meaning if the pests return within a certain timeframe, they’ll treat the area again at no additional cost.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Before pests become a severe issue, there are steps that students can take to prevent them from becoming a problem in the first place:

  • Good Hygiene: Keep your living space clean. Regularly take out the trash, clean dishes immediately after use, and store food in airtight containers. Pests are often attracted to food remnants.
  • Seal Entry Points: Check for cracks or gaps in windows, doors, and walls. If found, seal them using caulk or another appropriate material. This prevents pests from entering your living space.
  • Regular Inspection: Periodically inspect your residence for signs of pests, like droppings or damaged food containers. Early detection can make elimination much easier.

Natural Repellents

Not every pest situation requires chemicals or professional intervention. 

For mild issues or as a preventive measure, consider natural repellents. For instance, essential oils like peppermint or lavender can deter many pests. 

Another option is diatomaceous earth, a naturally occurring powder that can be sprinkled in areas where pests frequent, which harms them but is safe for humans (unless inhaled, which can lead to silicosis).

Recognizing The Most Common Pests

To combat the enemy, one must first know the enemy. Here’s a deeper look into some pests that students might encounter.


These tiny bugs are notorious for infesting dorm rooms and apartments. 

They bite, leaving red, itchy marks on the skin. Bedbugs are hard to eliminate because they can hide in tiny crevices. 

Regularly inspecting bedding and furniture can help in early detection. If found, it’s often best to call professionals.


These resilient creatures can survive in various conditions, making them a common problem. 

They’re attracted to food and moisture. Maintaining cleanliness is key, but if an infestation occurs, traps, gels, and professional services are recommended.


Mice and rats are more than just a nuisance. 

They can damage property and contaminate food. 

Keep food sealed, and trash contained. If rodents are detected, traps are a common solution, but for a more significant infestation, professional help might be necessary.

The Impact On Student Life

The presence of pests can significantly influence the life of a student. Here’s why it’s crucial to address the problem promptly.

Health Concerns

Many pests, like rodents and cockroaches, can carry diseases. 

Their presence can lead to health issues, either through direct contact or contamination of food and surfaces. Maintaining a pest-free environment ensures a healthier living space.

Mental Well-Being

Dealing with pests can lead to stress, anxiety, and even sleep disturbances, especially if the pests are persistent or if there are phobias involved.

Ensuring a pest-free environment can contribute significantly to peace of mind and overall mental well-being.

Academic Performance

A student’s primary focus should be on their studies. 

Battling pests can be a significant distraction, taking away time and energy from academic pursuits. 

Hence, promptly addressing pest problems can lead to a more conducive study environment.

Environmental Considerations In Pest Control

In modern times, the focus has shifted not just on eliminating pests, but on doing so in a manner that’s environmentally responsible. 

Here’s a deeper exploration into the eco-friendly aspects of pest management.

Biological Control Methods

One of the most environmentally-friendly approaches to pest management is biological control. 

This method involves introducing a natural enemy of the pest into the environment. 

For instance, ladybugs can be used to control aphids, and certain types of nematodes can combat beetle larvae. 

The idea is to control pests naturally, without the use of chemicals, preserving the ecological balance.

Reducing Chemical Footprint

While chemicals can be effective against pests, their overuse can harm the environment and even lead to pesticide resistance in pests. 

Opting for products with a lower environmental impact or organic pesticides can be a better choice. 

It’s essential to use them judiciously, following the recommended guidelines and dosages. 

Moreover, integrating chemical solutions with other methods can minimize their overall use.

Awareness And Education

Perhaps the most potent tool in environmentally responsible pest management is knowledge. 

Being informed about the life cycle of pests, their habits, and vulnerabilities can lead to more targeted and efficient control methods. 

Knowing the local ecosystem and the potential impact of any pest control measure is crucial. 

Encouraging students to participate in workshops or online courses can arm them with the information they need to tackle pests in an eco-friendly manner.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, while pests are a common challenge for college students, they are not insurmountable. 

With knowledge, preventive measures, and, if necessary, professional help, students can maintain a comfortable and pest-free living environment. Remember, the key is early detection and swift action.